Monday 18 July 2011

I've been lazy so here are some more memes!

Lo! Here are two more li'l memes! One is of the beautiful Idris Elba as Stringer Bell in the second season of The Wire being all awesome and the other is of Fry from Futurama pondering.

Tuesday 5 July 2011

A Stare Dad in 1984

This comic probably doesn't make a lick of sense unless you've read George Orwell's awesome social science fiction novel 1984 which the internet tells me you can read for free online here so you should drop everything you're doing at once and go read it so you can get my joke... Once you do, you'll see I'm really quite witty and want to shower me with gifts. Meanwhile I will be busy giving myself a healthy pat on the back for this grand total of three updates in one day. I'm becoming prolific!

~ Máiréad

Stare Dad Comics: Part II (Y U No Stare Back)

If these comics seem less funny with each installment, kindly chalk it up to the law of diminishing return and not diminishing wit...

Stare Dad Comics: The Beginning

Hello all! I've been working on some Stare Dad meme comics of late and thought I'd share some with ye.
I downloaded the template off Meme Generator.

I think I love puns more than any reasonable person should.

~ Máiréad

Monday 4 July 2011

New reccomended webcomics

Ahoy, ahoy! I have updated my list of recommended webcomics to include the adorable Power-Puff  Girls style comic Sister Claire about the adventures of a pregnant nun. I've also added the bleak humour comic Buttersafe where an Octopus treats his turtle friend quite horribly and another comic called Cucumber Quest which is full of adorable and hilarious adventure in a candy kingdom. Hope ya'll enjoy em!


Friday 1 July 2011

Wrong Castle

Lo! Here is a li'l comic I did based on Sleeping Beauty. I studied myths and fairy tales as part of my English degree this year and found them even more intriguing and interesting than I did when I was but a wee'an. Some day I'll put up some comics based on Oscar Wilde's fairy tales although I don't know how many jokes one can make about happy princes who really aren't all that happy and nightingales who kill themselves... 

Thursday 9 June 2011

Storm ah.. "fanniness"

Here are two sketches I did in pen of Storm from the X-men. The first one is from the Ultimate series where she
looked super bad-ass and the one below that is from the rather less awesome Civil War series. When I was but a lil urchin placed in front of a tv I loved the animated series of the X-men and Storm and Rogue were always my favourites.

Monday 6 June 2011

God and the Devil Yaoi

My friend Liam came up with the idea for this comic. I tried to make the devil as sexy as a crudely drawn cartoon devil could be! I don't know exactly what happened but my guess is something like the end of that movie Y tu Mama Tambien!

Sunday 5 June 2011

Grrrrrrrave injustice

Tigers are really up there with wolves in the misrepresented animals category. Maybe they should form an alliance... you know if they ever get round to being on the same continent. Perhaps in a zoo somewhere? Actually I think most zoos arrange groups of animals by continent too... Well I can't come up with ALL the ideas can I? CAN I?!

By the way this is what modern tigers do in the wild. Oh, David Attenborough would have you believe different with his empire of slanderous out-of-context footage and voice-of-god narration but I would like you to pause for a moment and ask yourself if  you ever, even once witness him ask the tigers involved what happened? Your puzzled silence says more than real evidence ever could...