Friday 1 July 2011

Wrong Castle

Lo! Here is a li'l comic I did based on Sleeping Beauty. I studied myths and fairy tales as part of my English degree this year and found them even more intriguing and interesting than I did when I was but a wee'an. Some day I'll put up some comics based on Oscar Wilde's fairy tales although I don't know how many jokes one can make about happy princes who really aren't all that happy and nightingales who kill themselves... 


  1. Well imagine yourself just hanging around and suddenly someone foreign comes right into your bedroom and kisses you! I'd be quite pissed too! :)

  2. I'm glad I'm tapping into the Zeitgeist of how real women would respond to the advances of "dashing" fairy tale princes ;)

  3. It's not co-erced, it's "Surprise smooching!"
